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Serving Cincinnati's West Side
A Better Child Care Corp - Logo
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About Us

Click here to arrange a tour and meet with our staff
Serving Cincinnati's West Side
Call to enroll your child: 513-353-5437
Serving Cincinnati's West Side
Click here to arrange a tour and meet with our staff Call to enroll your child 513-353-5437

About ABC Childcare & Preschool

The mission of ABC Childcare & Preschool is to provide developmentally appropriate activities and quality care for children ages six weeks to 11 years. We believe each child is unique and should be treated with love, respect, and care. To enroll your child or for additional information about our offerings, please call 513-353-5437.
Girl raising her hand

Our Programs

Our center offers full- and part-time programs led by trained and educated professionals who work with you to provide a safe and supportive place for your child. These programs are designed to meet the individual needs of each child.

We promote creative thinking, problem solving, and the love of learning. Children learn best when they challenge themselves with their own imagination, through positive interaction with other children and our staff, in a stimulating environment. Our curriculum provides a balance of age-appropriate activities and lessons that stimulate social, emotional, and physical skills.  
Children finger painting

Our Goals

The primary goal of ABC Childcare & Preschool is to provide the best possible care and service for you and your child. We acknowledge you, the parent, as the most important adult in your child's life. 

Our goals include:
  • To give each child a sense of safety, confidence, self-worth, and love
  • To use age-appropriate materials and teaching techniques to encourage each child as an individual
  • To prepare children for future education and help them develop a positive attitude about learning at an early age
  • To provide a positive environment with loving and qualified teachers

To offer the benefit of social interaction with peers and learning to be independently confident
In accordance with federal law and U.S. Department of Agriculture policy, this institution is prohibited from discriminating on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, age, or disability. 

To file a complaint of discrimination, write USDA, Director, and Office of Civil Rights, 1400 Independence Avenue, SW, Washington, D.C. 20250-9410 or call 800-795-3272 or 202-720-6382 (voice and TTY). USDA is an equal opportunity provider and employer.
Children with teacher

Our Benefits for Your Family

  • Locally and family-owned
  • More than 20 years of industry experience and service on Cincinnati's West Side
  • Year-round child care programs and services
  • Once enrolled, your child can enter our programs right away
  • Competitive rates
  • Additional fees for summer camp programs
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